
My approach to teaching begins with a respect for the equal potential of all students to succeed. With this in focus, I hope to develop inclusive, experiential coursework that centers critical, conceptual thinking and the use of computational tools. My passion for teaching extends beyond the classroom to include mentorship and science communication.

Guest Lecturer

Wild Rockies Field Institute Energy and Climate Change in Montana (395): Fire ecology

University of Montana Flathead Lake Biological Station Landscape Ecology (458): Short-interval fire activity Field Ecology (342): Postfire regeneration

University of Wisconsin-Madison Principles of Landscape Ecology (565): Forest disturbances Introductory Ecology (260): Disturbance ecology Introductory Ecology (260): Reconstructing paleo-disturbances

Teaching Assistant

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Integrative Biology

Introductory Biology (152) Case-based section Introductory Ecology (260) Animal Biology (101)

University of Idaho, Dept. of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences

Fire Ecology and Management (326)